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What's The Worst That Could Happen  

Cast: Martin Lawrence, Danny DeVito, John Leguizamo
Director: Sam Weisman
Producers: Ashok Amritaj, Peaches Davis, Wendy Dytman
Screenplay: Matthew Chapman
Rated: PG-13 Running Time: 95 Mins
Seen at: Ritz East, Philadelphia 5-29-01

What's The Worst That Could Happen
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Funny, Funny Funny

Image you wake up late for work, you are on the way to work and your car breaks down. When you arrive at work you find out you are not schedule to work today. You say What The Worst That Could Happen to me today.

For 2 people in this story that is the tip of their problems. For Kevin Caffrey (Martin Lawrence) a professional thief who knows what are the finer things to steal and does a good job at it. Kevin is looking for his big hit so his best friend and partner in crime Berger (John Leguizamo) tell him of a perfect hit.

Billionaire Max Fairbanks (Danny Devito) the two goes for an easy nighttime heist at Max beachfront house. Just when they thought everything is going good out comes Max from the bathroom and catches Kevin in the act. While in handcuffs Max does something funny he tells the cop Kevin stole his ring. So the cop makes Kevin give the ring back. Now the game is on as the two fumble and bumble their way to finding out that the worst that could happen is worse and funnier then they ever imagined.

What’s The Worst That Could Happen was a very funny film. It was much better then I thought it would be. Here is some good and bad thing about the film.


The film was very funny. It had me thinking of some old comedies classic that the two main stars in. One is Ruthless People was a funny film and Daddy Devito act the same as he did it that film. Blue streak was another film Martin Lawrence was in and he was also good in. Just like in this film.
The cast was very good. Danny and Martin were a good comedy team there are no other people I could think of that could have done better. They are the perfect choice.
The jokes were very funny. There is a lot of adult humor not good for the kids.
The soundtrack was good.
Some of the female cast was very pretty.
The length of the film was good.
I like the idea of how the theft get robed that is the funniest idea I have heard for a film.

1. The film is PG-13 but I think it should have gotten an R rating because some of the jokes should he viewed by adults not kids.

Overall What’s The Worst That Could Happen was a very funny film if you are looking for a funny make you laugh till it hurt comedy this is it. Go see it and have a good time at the movies.

© 2001 Paul Perkins

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