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Sugar and Spice  

Directed By: Francine McDougall Cast: Rachel Blanchard, W. Earl Brown, Adam Busch, Melissa George, Jake Hoffman, Alexandra Holden, Beau Jorgensen, Nate Maher, James Marsden, Sara Marsh, Marley Shelton, Marla Sokoloff, Mena Suvari, Sean Young Rated: PG-13 Running Time: 83 Mins

Lately Hollywood has be making cheerleading films most were bad and now here is another one Sugar & Spice is this year Bring It On but worst. It centers on the Lincoln High A-squad cheerleading squad, which a “A” is not there IQ more like a “D”. There is Diane (Marley Shelton) the captain of the squad and who is in love with of course a quart back name Jack Bartlett (James Marsden), next is Hannan (Rachel Blanchard) is the born again with the lord, Kansas (Mena Suvari) the rebel of the group who also has a mother (Sean Young) in prison for murder, Lucy (Sara Marsh) who is the geek of the group who has dreams of going to Harvard and last there is Cleo (Melissa George) who fantasies about stalking Conan O’ Brien.

Sugar & Spice
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The Group rule in the cheerleading ring but there personal life they do not because Jack and Diane are in an unexpected adult situation. They are expecting a baby so they need cash real fast with a job not cutting it. The A-Squad comes up with a plan to rob a bank but the A-Squad does thing their way with Sugar & Spice forever changing their friendship, their future and the nation’s notion of teen spirit. I was very disappointed in Sugar & Spice the film made Bring It On look good and I didn’t like Bring It On either. The trailer makes the film look good but it is not here are some good and bad points about the film. Good Some of the girls were cute. That’s the only good thing about the film

Here is the bad. The story did not make sense at all. I understand they need money but god get two jobs and if Jack was studying to be a senator he didn’t have the common sense to wear some protection they would be in this mess. The film of course was intended for the teen-age group but the kids who saw it the same time I did. Hate the film. The acting was horrible even from Mena Suvari who is a good actress just not in this film. Some of the comedy scenes were stupid. The movie last about 1hr 20 mins the bank robbing part was the last 15 mins. So you have to wait a hour. You have time to talk to you friends as most of the kids did in the theater.

Overall Sugar & Spice was a very bad film I had more fun at my Dentist office getting my teeth pull. Watching the film is more pain than getting a tooth pull.

© Paul Perkins

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