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Spirit:Stallion of the Cimarron  

My Rating:6 The Crowds Rating:NA
Movie:Spirit:Stallion of the Cimarron
Genre:Kids/Family, Western and Drama 1 hr. 22 min.
Starring:James Cromwell, Matt Damon, Daniel Studi
Directed by:Kelly Asbury, Lorna Cook
Produced by:Jeffrey Katzenberg, Mireille Soria
Written by:John Fusco
Release Date:May 24, 2002

The animated movie from Dreamworks. Spirit the Stallion is as wild as the land that he comes from. Spirit defies being broken, even as he develops a remarkable friendship with a young Lakota brave.
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The latest animated movie released from Dreamworks is appropriately titled, "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron". Matt Damon provides the first-person narration for Spirit.

Spirit is like the era that he comes from wild and untamed. Spirit the Stallion must face many challenges along the way. One of them is when a group of men come looking for untamed horses for the army. This is Spirits first encounter with man and he is curious about them. Ever heard the term, curiousity killed the cat? Well, it doesn't get him killed, but it does get him into some big trouble. Spirit is taken away from all that he knows, and loves. Is Spirit strong enough to endure the seperation from family, and from the frontier he loves?

James Cromwell voices the Cavalry Colonel who is determined to break the willful horse. A determination of wills ensues between the two adversaries.
Spirit finds a kindred spirit in a Lakota indian named Little Creek (voiced by Daniel Studi) when the indian is taken prisoner. The two make a mad dash for freedom, and the real adventure begins. Little Creek tries to get the Stallion to stay with him. The friendship between them grows even stronger as Spirit realizes that all men aren't bad. The decision is made even harder when Spirit develops feelings for Little Creeks mare Rain. Spirit feels himself pulled between two worlds: one of complete freedom, and the other with the fiesty mare Rain. He has to make a decision soon because the trains of the American west wait for no man or animal.

This new movie from dreamworks has been billed by them as their most technologically advanced animation to date. You remember that last year they brought us the magical Shrek which was in 3D. The advancements must all be in the engine because you won't recognize them on the outside framework of the film. Unlike some of their films the animals don't speak in this movie. The reasoning behind this was that they felt if they made the animals talk it would automatically become a comedy. The animals in the film convey more than adequately their emotions, and what they are thinking by the use of facial expressions. The thing that is missing in this film is a true down, and dirty bad guy. With no true bad adversary the film loses some of its focus. Other components of the film aren't interesting enough to keep your attention. It's a nice try, but it leaves a little to be desired.

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