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Eye Of The Beholder  

Eye of the Beholder is a miserable and weak thriller. The Eye (McGregor) is a lonely, isolated British intelligence agent who has just been given a new assignment. His assignment is to track JoAnna Eris (Judd), who is a woman suspected of blackmailing the son of a senior British official. As The Eye begins to follow her, he learns that she is far more than just a blackmailer. Eris is a seductive, master of disguise serial killer. The Eye cannot help but be fascinated by JoAnna. As he follows JoAnna from town to town and from murder to murder, The Eye becomes more and more obsessed with her. However, as closer The Eye gets to JoAnna, the more dangerous his fantasy becomes.

Eye of the Beholder is a flat out terrible movie. Nothing in this film clicks at all. The script is dreadful, the direction is poor, and the acting is dull.

Stephen Elliott wrote and directed Eye of the Beholder. Elliott just doesn't bring in an ensemble effort from the whole production team. First all, the script is too complicated and weary. I found myself trying to figure out any motive from the script. The direction by Elliott is twisted and MTV like in some since, but overall the sequencing is uneven and unorganized.

The acting also fails in Eye of the Beholder. Ewan McGregor is boring and tired as The Eye. I have never seen McGregor turn in a bad performance until this film. Also, Ashley Judd's attempt to become a sexy serial killer crumbles and hits rock bottom. McGregor and Judd are talent performers, in their defense, I believe that the two will have no problem bouncing back after being in this embarrassment of a film. In addition to, K.D. Lang makes her first acting attempt as The Eye's surveillance buddy, Hil. Lang just needs to go back to her music because her performance is awful. Lastly, Jason Priestley gives an absurd performance as an abusive heroin addict.

I just can't say anything except that this movie is really, really horrible. It is just like torture sitting through Eye of the Beholder, and of course the movie drags on and on. Please do yourself a big favor and not waste your time or money on this movie.

Report Card Grade: F

Joseph C (Beastman) Tucker

Copyright, 2000 Joseph C. Tucker, reprinted with kind permission

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