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Erin Brockovich  

Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts)
Ed Masry (Albert Finney)
George (Aaron Eckhart)
Donna Jensen (Marg Helgenberger)
Kurt Potter (Peter Coyote)

Directed by Steven Soderbergh Written by Susannah Grant
Rated R for language Running Time: 130 minutes Distributed by Universal
Erin Brockovich
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Erin Brockovich is a very admirable and humane film. The film centers on the true-life story of Erin Brockovich (Roberts). Erin is a twice-divorced mother of three young children and has little income. Following a car accident in which Erin was not at fault, she finds herself even worse off when her attorney fails to land her any type of settlement. With nowhere else to turn to, Erin pleads with her attorney Ed Masry (Finney) to hire her at his law firm. While working at the Masry law firm, Erin stumbles upon a cover up involving contaminated water in a local community, which causes deadly illnesses. While investigating the matter, Erin begins to connect with the victims and she makes their presence comfortable with one another. Thus leading Erin and Ed to exploiting the cover up.

Erin Brockovich is a good film that clicks on all cylinders. The film is very similar to 1998's A Civil Action, with its true-life subject matter. However, the two films are different in their own way.

Steven Soderbergh does an exceptional job of directing Erin Brockovich. Soderbergh's previous credits include Sex, Lies and Videotape, Out of Sight and The Limey. Soderbergh brings a natural and fashionable vision to this real life story. He also seemed very accurate in his storytelling and dedicated in pulling audiences into connections with the characters. Soderbergh is an upcoming director that I believe will quickly become one of Hollywood's best filmmakers.

Susannah Grant wrote the script for Erin Brockovich. The character development is the strength of the script. Though the story is the most important, the writer focuses more on the relationships between all the characters' fight to stop the cover up. The only aspect I would have like to have seen more in this film is more explanation of the contamination of the water.

The overall acting in Erin Brockovich is very strong. Julia Roberts delivers one of her best performances ever. Erin might be Roberts' deepest character that she has ever portrayed. This is the best that I have seen Roberts since her brilliant performance in Sleeping with the Enemy. Aaron Eckhart delivers a fabulous performance as Erin's biker boyfriend, George. Eckhart has always delivered good work, even though I haven't always liked his films (ex. Your Friends and Neighbors). I expect to see him hanging around in Hollywood for awhile. Albert Finney is the best thing in Erin Brockovich. Thought Finney has done work in many films, this is the first movie that I have seen with him in it. After seeing his outstanding talent in Erin Brockovich as Ed, I feel like going to the video store and renting some of his other films. I also sensed that Finney brought maturity to the film that might have helped all of the other actors in the production. Finney is a pure joy to watch as Ed Masry in Erin Brockovich.

Erin Brockovich is already a huge box office hit. It has been number one for the past two weeks, look for it to stay at number one for a little longer. This film is one of those "people" movies that everybody is going to see. It is an enjoyable and also important film about the human sprit.

Report Card Grade: B

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