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Double Take  

Drugs are a big problem effecting Americans. Like the movie Traffic which dealt with the trafficking side of the problem and was a powerful film. Double Take centers on another part of the drugs problem the laundering of dollars in a high-octane action/comedy film.

For Daryl Chase (Orlando Jones) life has being good for him. He is a successful New York investment banker. As he says no one can stop me now but he is wrong because he stops at a friend house and all a sudden he is getting shot at. By an unknown person and two cops get killed so he gets framed for laundering millions for a Mexican drug cartel. He becomes wanted by the F.B.I and seeing that there is no other alternative. He makes a run for the border to find the one man who can clear his name.

All of this as well as switching identities with a petty thief name Freddy Tiffany (Eddie Griffin). But Daryl soon finds out that Freddy is much higher on the fugitive list of most wanted criminals then he is. Comedy and Action collide as Daryl finds himself in a double from a triple threat. Because he's one man with two names, fleeing from the cartel, the law and a little dog too..

Double Take was a very good and surprising film I really enjoyed it. The trailer does not give it justice here are some good and bad points. Good 1. The story was good. It was a very interesting storyline. 2. The cast was very good. Orlando and Eddie was a good team. Eddie was very good compare this is a PG-13 film and Eddie is an R rated comic which he is very funny. 3. The supporting cast was very good. 4. The movie was not just funny there a lot of good action scenes. And there is also more twist in the story you think you were on a roller coaster. But it was very good and very surprising. 5. The ending of the film was good. 6. The movie was about 90 mins long and it flew by it did not seem that long. 7. The film did not drag at all. 8. Also it has one of my favorite actresses Vivica a Fox.

Bad points 1. The trailer did not give the film justice. It does not show the real story of the movie. 2. I wish it were a little longer. 3. I wish Vivica A Fox had some more screens in the film.

Overall Double Take was one funny, action movie I really enjoyed this film and I am going to see it again. And it starts the New Year off with a good film. Everyone go see the film you will have a good old time watching it.

© Paul Perkins

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