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Boy's Don't Cry  

Teena Brandon (Hilary Swank)
Lana (Chloe Sevigny)
John (Peter Sarsgaard)
Tom (Brendan Sexton III)

Directed by Kimberly Peirce Written by Kimberly Peirce and Andy Bienen

Rated R for violence, brutal rape scene, sexuality, language and drug use Running Time: 114 minutes Distributed by Fox Searchlight
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Boys Don't Cry is a powerful, disturbing and important masterpiece. The film is the true-life story of Teena Brandon (Swank), who was a 21 year-old girl that claimed a new identity as a boy. Teena successfully pulled off portraying a man, Brandon Teena in Falls City, Nebraska. Brandon's real identity becomes unknown to her new friends, John (Sarsgaard), Tom (Sexton III) and Lana (Sevigny), who she meets in a bar in Lincoln, Nebraska. Brandon eventually falls in love with Lana, who is the most popular girl in Falls City. At first, Brandon's friends like him as a good buddy. But when Brandon's sexual identity is revealed, the deception leads to a tragic and horrible act of violence and hate.

Boys Don't Cry is one the few films that I have ever had trouble watching. It wasn't that the film is bad, it is a great movie, I was disturbed by the film's content and tragic incidents. However, this is a milestone of a film. It is an important and haunting film that should never be forgotten.

Kimberly Peirce does a great job directing and writing the script for Boys Don't Cry. Peirce was drawn to this real life story 5 years ago. From that point on, she dug and dug to bring this story to the silver screen. Peirce delivers a real life story with exceptional leadership and direction. Peirce and her co-writer Andy Bienen carefully sketch this drama from Teena's formation into Brandon, to her love with Lana, into a heartbreaking climax.

Hilary Swank gives an amazing performance as Teena Brandon. Swank plays her character with great patience and soft perfection. I believe that Hilary Swank gives one of the best female performances that I have ever seen. She defiantly should win the Oscar this year for Best Actress. Also deserving an Oscar is Chloe Sevigny, who played Lana. Sevigny is tremendous as the Brandon's isolated 19-year old girlfriend. Also, Peter Sarsgaard and Brendan Sexton III deliver dark and chilling performances as Lana's two close friends, Tom and John. The performances in Boys Don't Cry is really a tour de fore presentation of skilled and talent actors.

Boys Don't Cry is a film that I highly recommend. However, I believe many people will not be able to handle this film's content. As I said before, it is very hard film to watch, but I believe this film is very important.

Report Card Grade: A+

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