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Anywhere But Here  

Adele August (Susan Sarandon)
Ann August (Natalie Portman)
Benny (Shawn Hatosy)
Josh Sprilzer (Hart Bochner)

Directed by Wayne Wang Written by Alvin Sargent and Mona Simpson

Rated PG-13 for language and sex-related material
Running Time: 113 minutes Distributed by 20th Century Fox
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Anywhere But Here is a nice mother-daughter drama that is structured by emotional performances. Adele August (Sarandon) is an agitating mother that has decided to get away from her small hometown by moving to Beverly Hills. Adele has also decided to drag her teenage daughter Ann (Portman) with her to Beverly Hills. As the two disagree and fight continuously their relationship becomes stronger. As Ann reveals plans for her future to her mother, the two are left with decisions and sacrifices to be made.

Anywhere But Here is an enjoyable character driven film. Though the plot does struggle to be whole, the characters and actresses hold their own.

Anywhere But Here was adapted from a novel by Alvin Sargent and Mona Simpson. The script has terrific character development, but relies on weak outcomes to bring the characters together. An example is how suddenly Ann's likable cousin Benny (Hatosy) is killed in an accident. This plot point was only brought in to bring Adele and Ann back home to be involved in a conflict of embarrassment with their family. However, the script is written very dramatically with satisfying emotion.

The acting is remarkable in Anywhere But Here. Susan Sarandon is marvelous as Adele, and Natalie Portman holds her own pleasantly with the gifted Sarandon. The two actresses develop a strong chemistry that pulls the audience right into their lives with warmth and heartache. It just doesn’t get better than watching Sarandon and Portman work. The two actresses have incredible range from head to toe. Outside of Sarandon and Portman the overall cast does contribute nicely.

One aspect that almost kept Portman from doing this film was a nude scene in the original script. Portman did turn down the first draft of the script because of the scene. Sarandon stood up for Portman and said that the film wouldn't work without her. The writers and director went back to the drawing board and edited out the scene. Portman was given a newly revised script with no nudity. She then signed on for the role of Ann. I agree with Sarandon that the film would not have worked with out Portman. She is the real gem that the film is centered around.

Anywhere But Here is an enjoyable movie that most audiences will like. The film reminded me a lot of Stepmom and Hope Floats, but Anywhere But Here has stronger development and acting than either of those.

Report Card Grade: B

Beastman's Movie Reviews

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