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Anti Trust  

Directed By: Peter Howitt Cast: Ryan Phillippe, Tim Robbins, Rachael Leigh Cook, Claire Forlani, Tygh Runyan, Ned Bellamy, Douglas McFerran, Zahf Hajee, Scott Bellis, Tyler Labine, Nate Dushku Written By: Howard Franklin Rated: P6-13 Running Time: 115 Mins
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The new millennium is here and so to the start of the new film century. So lets bring a good high tech movie to the theaters. Anti Trust is that film. It centers on Nurv (Never Underestimate Radical Vision) company which is one of the largest computer communications company.

Which is run by Gary Winston (Tim Robbins) a computer geek who is top of his game and will do anything to beat his rivals companies to be called the number one in business, he is about to unveil a super satellite in orbit to corner the market. But the fcc is trying to stop him from, saying that he has a monopoly that anyone who doesn’t use his software is clueless. The only problem he has 42 days to get the satellite ready, because of that he is looking into Milo Hoffman (Ryan Phillippe) a tech wizards who could break any code and is about to open a little company with his friend Heddy Chin (Yee Jew Tso). Gary persuades him to work for the company and gives him a house to live in with his girlfriend Alice (Claire Forlani). Everything was going good until Milo’s friend turns up dead and other computers tech mysteriously die. Milo gets suspicious and starts questioning the company so he starts his own investigating on the comedy, Because time is running out, remember that truth can be dangerous and trust can be dear.

Anti Trust was a good film it reminds me of some old high tech films like Cloak and Dagger, Sneakers, The Net and others. The mixture of action suspense and a bit of comedy thrown in was good. Here are some good and bad points.


The story was good. Even so some of the elements in the film has been done before. It was still a good spy thriller. The cast was good. Tim Robbins did a good job as playing the Bill Gates clone. Even so some of the scenes he did didn't look ready. Next Ryan Phillippe did a good job of playing the computer geek, this was a different role for him. The supporting cast was also good and there was also a cameo from the man himself ,Shaft, Richard Roundtree. Rachael Lee Cook was also good in the film. The ending was cool and it closes the story well. The beginning credits were very cool in how they make the credits blend into the computer program.

Bad Point

1. The only bad point I have I wish Rachel Lee Cook was more in the film. That's the only problem I had with the film.

Overall Anti Trust was a very good film. It had everything you want in a film and it is a great movie to start the New Year off with. I really like this film and everyone should go see it you will not be disappointed.

© Paul Perkins

The King's Room

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