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Ali G In Da House  

Ali G In Da House Cast :
Sacha Baron Cohen, Emilio Rivera, Charles Dance, Michael Gambon, Isabelle Pasco, Kellie Bright.
Director :
Mark Mylod
Ali G In Da House Written By :
Sacha Baron Cohen and Dan Mazar

Ali G In Da House Official Site :
Ali G In Da House Trailer : Windows Media 56k | 350k | 500k
Teasers: Quicktime Low Res | High Res | Teaser 2 (Parody of 'Ali')
'Me Julie' Music Video - Windows Media: 56k | 100k | 350k
Released By :
UIP, Working Title

I approached this movie with a lot of apprehension, due to the fact that I am one of the original show's biggest fans. I have loved the comic genius of Sacha Baron Cohen since he debuted his most popular character on The 11 'O Clock show on Channel Four a few years back, through to his hit prime time program, The Ali G Show. This was a movie that was either going to be a pile of pants or one of the best British comedies/ parodies of the year.

The beauty and attraction of The Ali G Show is its unpredictability. Ali G has interviewed such people as ex-BBFC head James Ferman through to magician Paul Daniels that produces some of the most hilarious of results through Cohen pretty much humiliating his guests, and manipulating whatever they say into the most filthy of double-entendres. My favourite Ali G moment appeared on last year's Comic Relief show over here in the UK where Ali interviewed Victoria (Posh Spice) and David (Man Utd) Beckham. Anything I repeat here will not sound half as funny as watching the clip, but his was Ali G at his greatest and I urge anyone who hasn't seen it to hunt it down as it's simply hilarious.

The burning question I had was can the character of Ali G carry a feature-length 'scripted' movie, and one that will translate overseas too. Well.............I think he has you know.....

The opening sequence is possibly one of the best I've seen this year, with a great parody of a South Central drive-by set to the sound of NWA's 'Straight Outta Compton'. Literally, there was not one person not in hysterics in the packed theater where I caught the movie.

So the plot, yes there is one. Ali G is appointed as the Staines member of parliament, and from there he gets into the Government cabinet as a close advisor to the Prime Minister (played by Michael Gambon on autopilot). Hoping that Ali will lose the PM popularity points, the deputy Prime Minister Charles Dance plots various stunts, involving Ali, to oust Gambon from office. What follows is a flurry of hilarious, laugh out loud moments mixed with the grossest of gross out comedy. So definately not for the easily offended.

Sascha Baron Cohen's acting holds up throughout the film and he makes the transition from small to big screen very well indeed. The supporting cast are fairly good, although the old veterans Dance and Gambon seem to phone in their roles as the high flying politicians. Oh and check out the original Lara Croft, Rhona Mitra as Dance's right hand woman. I think we'll be seing a lot more of her. Well, I hope so anyway.

Cohen and Dan Mazar's script is okay, the only flaw being the tedious moments between gags when the film's plot is being fleshed out, but director Mark Myrod keeps thing failry well paced and the next hilarious moment is only just around the corner to keep the viewer interested . The comedy timing throughout is absolutley spot on, epecially that superb opening scene.

But this is a fun movie and it cannot be taken too seriously. Die hard Ali G fans will love it. For everyone else i'm sure most will have a great night out. Just don't take your Nan. In fact go wiv ya mates and leave ya bitch at home innit.

Instantly forgettable, but ultimately enjoyable.

3 out of 5

Paul Heath.
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