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Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Willem Dafoe, James Franco, Bill Nunn, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage.
Written by Scott Rosenberg and David Koepp
Produced by Ian Bryce and Laura Ziskin
Directed by Sam Raimi

View the teaser trailer: Quicktime (Various)
View the trailer: Quicktime Low | Med | High
Commercial: Superbowl 2002 (WMP) Low | Med | High | Super High
Spiderman Exclusive Online Trailer (NEW): Quicktime (Various)
TV Spot: Windows Media Low res | Med res | High res

B Roll: Windows Media 56k | 300k
B Roll: Real Media 56k | 300k

UK TV Spots: Quicktime One | Two

: Released (US)
Released by Columbia Pictures
ETA: May 2002

Plot - The long awaited big-screen outing of the webbed one. Plot details are shrouded in secrecy. Peter Parker is bitten by a spider and develops super human powers that enable him to climb walls and other spider-like things.

Got or found a scoop on Spiderman? Email me now!

Latest Updates

21st May 2002: Spiderman Update:
Two Spiderman teasers produced for the UK market have been posted on the films official website. While not all that long in length, the spots contain footage that we haven't seen over here yet. They're available in Quicktime and you cvan download them by clicking here for the first and here for the second clip.

Sony have released a whole batch of behind the scenes clips from Spiderman. These you will not see in cinemas when the film is released in two weeks. Click on the links below to see Tobey chasing a yellow bus down the street, Raimi and Maguire discussing a take, Raimi barking orders through a megaphone and a lot more. The footage runs to almost twenty minutes in length.

B Roll: Windows Media 56k | 300k
B Roll: Real Media 56k | 300k

Kirsten Dunst has been speaking to Sci Fi Wire about an uncomfortable on screen moment in the upcoming movie. In one of the film's steamiest moment, Dunst had to go about kissing Spiderman (Tobey Maguire), upside down in the rain.

"Because ... we were in the rain, and it was cold, first of all, and Tobey couldn't breathe, because I had pulled his mask like to there [indicates upper lip], and he was hanging upside down soaking wet."

Tobey Maguire also had something to add about that scene too,

It was a challenging scene," he said. "I was hanging upside down. It was five in the morning. Rain was going up my nose. ... And then when she lifted the mask up, the mask was then sitting on my nose, so I couldn't breathe through my nose. And then she was kissing my mouth, so I couldn't breathe through my mouth. And there's no other places to breathe from. So I would have to suck air out of the corner of our mouths."

Ooh, what a lucky guy. I take it that they're referring to the scene that it pictured above. Anyway, the reviews are starting to come in for the film, and I've listed a few sites that carry them below. Expect a full review from us in the next couple of days.

Aint It Cool News - Spiderman reviewed by Moriarty
Super Hero Hype - Spiderman reviewed by Chris Mason

Superherohype have posted an exclusive TV spot from Spiderman over at their website. Direct links to the spot are available below.

SHH TV Spot: Windows Media Low res | Med res | High res

The Strokes and The Hives will contribute tracks fro the Spiderman soundtrack. It will also feature Sum 41, Macy Gray, Alien Ant Farm, Slipknot's Corey Taylor and Aerosmith. The first single to be released from the album will be Sum 41's What We're All About. The soundtrack will feature The Strokes' 'When It Started', originally the B-side to their mega-hit Last Nite. The Hives' contribution will be a track named 'Hate To Say I Told You So'. The CD hits store on May 13th.

Here are details from the press conference that took place yesterday in Sydney, Australia for Spiderman. Tobey Maguire revealed that his routine consisted of oga, bike training, weights training, martial arts and gymnastics for six days a week for five months in order to get into shape for the film. In the film itself, Maguire was in the uniform during the closeups and non-action scenes while stuntmen did the jumping scenes that wern't CGI. Willem Dafoe did most of his own stunts as the Green Goblin, 'when its not CG its Willem pretty much the whole time.' said Dark Horizons. Most of the scenes shot for the film have been incuded, so there won't be many deleted scenes available for the DVD release. Also, the Twin Towers will be left in the final cut although only in background shots. Finally Sam Raimi announced that he has signed on to return to direct Spiderman 2. Look out for a preview page in the coming weeks. Thanks to Dark Horizons.

The new Spiderman trailer has debuted online and there are three different resolutions that can be downloaded included on full screen! Click here for the trailer!!!

Also, The Hollywood Reporter claims that Sony have issued a request to National Association of Theater Owners and the Motion Picture Association of America to screen two two and a half minute trailers in front of Spiderman when it hits cinemas. Usually studios are only allowed to screen a two and a half minute preview.

"We are proposing to exhibition that it is in their interest and ours that we try very hard to expose as much of our summer product as possible and we need to do it during the release of our first film up, 'Spider-Man,'" Sony Pictures Entertainment president of worldwide marketing and distribution Jeff Blake said.

The new issue of Total Film magazine have printed a number of different images from the Spiderman movie in their preview of movies coming our way in 2002.

From top left, Spiderman in action, Willem Dafoe as Norman Osborn (aka The Green Goblin), and Spidey comes to the aid of Mary Jane

Click on any of these three images to enlarge.
Images, Total Film, Columbia

Yesterdays Superbowl saw a number of movies have commercials promoting them screened to a mass US audience and Spiderman was one of them. Comics2Film scooped the clip, click here to view in Quicktime.

Joblo have posted a huge article covering the Sam Raimi Q + A from The San Diego Comic Con. A five minute finished clip from the movie was also played to the audience at the conference too, " The scene basically featured the introduction of Peter Parker to the gene-manipulated spider that bit him. I believe that it started with a shot outside of Columbia University (I may be "off" on this fact). The next shot is a group of students being led around a laboratory by a teacher who is explaining the whole gene-testing process to them. Tobey Maguire, as the young Peter Parker, is seen walking around timidly with his camera in hand. He looks over at the very lovely Kirsten Dunst (aka Mary Jane Watson in the film) every now and then, but obviously doesn't know how to approach her (he's shy, you see).
" Click to read the full article.

Spiderman has already netted around $40 million months before its release. The studio behind the movie, Sony, have made sponsorship deals with Taco Bell and Kelloggs plus two other deals are in the pipeline including one with Dr. Pepper.

An update on what's happening with the Spiderman movie. The teaser is now available for you guys to download from the official website. Director Sam Raimi has done an interview over at SpidermanHype . Go there to check it out. And here's a goodie, a movie fan has just done an alternative teaser trailer for the movie, and it;s pretty good. I suggest you click here and check it out.


Wow! Take a look at this teaser poster released a few days ago by Sony.

Spiderman Hype have posted a pic of The Green Goblin's Pumpkin bombs that appeared at the E3 convention. Click here to check those out.

Xena star Lucy Lawless (pictured below on 25/401) has also been talking about her cameo in the movie with Sci Fi Wire. "I went to New York for a fleeting thing, and Sam Raimi, who is Rob's partner, is shooting Spider-Man," says Lawless, referring to Rob Tapert, her husband and Xena executive producer. "So I ran up to St. Marks Place with some of the wardrobe women/stylists on the movie, and we bought all this punk-rocker stuff. So I had studs in my nose, a short spiky wig and lots of earrings. I'm dragging on cigarettes. So I do this tiny little blink-and-you-miss-it cameo, but it was such fun. It was all fun and no responsibility. It was fun to wear these clothes, these punk pants and a ripped stocking shirt and great big black boots. It looked like I'd stomped on a couple of hedgehogs. And I wore it all the way home, because I wanted Rob to see my new look."

Some more pics have appeared on the web, check out the two on the right that popped up over at
Also the site also have some information on the CGI to be used in the film. One scooper has apparentley caught a
glimpse of some prototype ILM footage and said the following; "NO ONE has ever seen effects like these!!" This guy raves and rave about the effects and says that we'll be blown away by them. "This is NOT a bunch of Matrix-wannabe bullettime shots a la Singer's (wildly overrated) "X-Men." This is stuff I've simply never seen before, and as exciting as some of your scoops and set pictures have been I can't stress enough how fantastically cool it is to finally witness Spidey IN MOTION." Get yourself over to their site to read the scoop in full!

The word is that the next teaser trailer for the movie will probably turn up around about July, just in time for the Comics Continuum International show in San Diego. For more info visit Comics Continuum.

Update 28/4/01
Yet more snaps are appearing from the NY set of Spiderman, this time with Tobey Maguire swinging accross skyscraper rooftops as Peter Parker. You can also see the Spiderman webbing (above) plus a ton of other photos at Counting

Update: 25/4/01

Xena star Lucy Lawless appears in the movie in a cameo role as a punk rocker.. Check out the pic on the right.

And if it's hot pics you're after, get along to SpiderMan Hype. They've just posted 57 pics from the NYC set.

Also, over at, they have a few more set pics submitted to them that include a few close ups of the extras and some of the actors including Tobey

Maguire and I think that there's also one of director Sam Raimi sat in his director's chair. Follow this link to see them.

Update: 10/4/01

Woah, check out the picture on the left. The Green Goblin costume, close up! Pretty cool huh. Click in the image to get a better view of it. It was taken on the Downey set and first appeared in Austrailan mag New Idea.

In other Spidey news, Tobey Maguire who's playing the webbed one, has done an interview over at Cinescape and talked about his preparation for the role "I've done all kinds of training for flexibility. I've also been pushing up some iron. I'm ready for anything."
Source: Cinescape

8/4/01 - You may have heard that four costumes were taken from the Sony Pictures lot last week (Tuesday). Well, Columbia Pictures have put up a $25,000 reward for the safe return of them. They issued an official press release late last week, So, go on whoever you are, do the decent thing and give 'em back.

Image (c) Sony
Coming Attractions posted the promo pics above, taken from a slide presentation that Columbia held a few days ago. The meeting showcased loads of movies that are coming our way from now until 2002. Unfortunately most of the pics are of low quality, but interesting all the same.

I've also added the pics of the Green Goblin costume that have been knocking about the web recently. Check those out above.


Images (c) Popcorn, unknown
I've found some more pics from the set of the Spiderman movie. I think they've been around on the web for a while, but check them out above anyway. Some pics of the Daily Bugle van and the film's wrestling scene of which I think originated from Popcorn.

- Singer Macy Gray has been confirmed to appear in the Spiderman movie. She will perform a song in the"World Unity Festival scene" involving a massive amount of extras. The scene is expected to shoot this Thursday (15th March). Source: Dark Horizons

- Kirsten Dunst has been pictured with her hair dyed for her role as Mary Jane. She was attending the premiere for her new picture, Get Over it of which opened today in the US. Earlier on this week she was quoted in saying ' (the) Spider-Man people don't want her showing her red hair.' Whatever, to see the pic click here.

- Added the pic of Tobey Maguire in costume (above right)

- The official website is now in place as the shoot continues. Click here to go. The Url has apparently been hidden until now. Feel free to check it out although there isn't a lot there at the moment.

This page has no intention to infringe on the rights of the film and intellectual copyright holders of Spiderman & hold copyright over the movie, characters, merchandise & storyline.

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